STORY vol.6
Gentle Gaze


今季のインスピレーション源は、ショーン・タン(Shaun Tan)による絵本『エリック(ERIC)』(岸本佐知子訳、河出書房新社刊)。エリックと呼ばれる小さな交換留学生と、彼をもてなす家族のやさしさに溢れた心温まる物語です。世界中で愛される手のひらサイズのこの絵本は、大切な気づきを与えてくれます。










The RUMCHE Spring/Summer 2024 collection is inspired by Shuan Tan’s picture book ‘ERIC’. It's a heartwarming story about a minute foreign exchange student called Eric and the kindness of his family. This palm-sized picture book, which is loved all over the world, brings about a salient appreciation and makes you want to gift it to someone special.

This collection is based on hints of the gentle gaze that have been poured into the story of ‘ERIC’. A story about the generosity of a mother who appreciates Eric spending time in the kitchen cupboard as "a cultural thing”, the aesthetic sense of Eric who finds beauty in the mundane and the deep sense of gratitude that goes into beautifully hand-made gifts.

“ERIC gave me an opportunity to think about the fun and beauty of small things that we tend to overlook in our daily lives. Time passes quickly and we live a busy life, so sometimes we forget to have some peace of mind. I hope RUMCHE to be clothes that more vividly reflect the wearer's humanity and way of life. It is a free spirit, rich in individuality, and yet it is not a dream but a reality. I’d love to deliver a collection that enriches people's hearts” says designer Rumi Yasuhara.


“This picture book was set in a monochrome world, which allowed me to use my imagination even more. I designed this collection based on Eric’s perspective on the beauty of nature and the feeling of turning ordinary objects into treasures” ―Rumi Yasuhara

RUMCHE is known for its printed textiles. This season, we adopt textiles that give a sense of nature, such as marble patterns that look like paint dripping on the water's edge, and motifs that look like glittering ore breaking. It features glossy and sheer textiles printed at a Kyoto factory with revolutionary dyeing technology, who we continue to collaborate with every season.

Photography: Masami Naruo (SEPT)
Text & Translation: Mami Osugi